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I thought you’d find this valuable, so for a limited time you can actually get a free, personalised Numerology reading just for you and your ‘life/soul numbers’. This will help you understand more about your future, past, and purpose here on Earth. Very interesting to know, and I’ve personally used this and found it to be very accurate.
Get a free soul reading showing you what could be blocking you from raising your vibrations, ascending and moving along your spiritual path. This is surprisingly accurate and can help you to unblock things you didn’t even know were stopping you!
You can view the store here and look at the other products we have for sale there. There are binaural beats, beginners and advanced astral projection guides and more.
In this section, I will add bonus content over time and update it for you.
And remember, if you have any questions about the ebook or course/courses you’ve purchased, you can email me. But please, give it time. For many people, astral projection is a NEW skill and it takes lots of practice and patience to get it right.
Really take the time to read through your ebook/s and understand them.
Then take the time to really practice the techniques and methods, and be patient enough to see them work.