We want to have you share your articles on AstralHQ! We love hearing about new stories and experiences from you guys so please get in touch if you think you’ve got something good to share with us. WE have a couple of requirements which we’ll go over below, and then we’ll talk more over email.
Content quality
We need the best quality writing on our site, so don’t send anything with spelling mistakes as we like to give our readers the best here. Triple check your writing before submitting. There is no fee or price to submit a post, but badly written ones might be ignored.
Try to write about ONE specific topic, and NOT just everything you can think of. Keep it focused and go as detailed as you want to about ONE thing, idea, topic or subject. Imagine you’re trying to create the BEST article on that topic on the internet, and then it should come naturally.
Aim for at least 1000 words please, smaller posts will be ignored as they’re not going to be as valuable for our readers.
Submit here!
To submit a guest post about astral travel, simply email contact @ astralhq dot com and let us know what you’re about! You can send an email explaining what the post is about, and how it fits with this site. Please also include a link to your website if you have one, and maybe a photo of you. (The photo isn’t NEEDED it’s just sometimes nice for people to see who’s writing the post).