How Can I Get A Refund? (Moneyback Guarantee)

If you want to claim a refund for a product you’ve purchased from us, please read this page carefully.


We would encourage you to first give the product a full try for at least 4-6 weeks.

We have a 60-day money-back guarantee, so you’ll still be safe if you want to return and get a refund later,

The reason we ask this is because sometimes, it takes a few weeks to start seeing results.

We often get emails from people saying they were so glad they waited before refunding because their results came a little bit later than expected.


We would much rather offer you something as a free gift, instead of a refund.

If this is something you’d be open to, please have a look at our store page, and if this is something you’re interested in, email us to let us know what you’d like!

If You Still Want a Refund

Read carefully: 

Where you should contact for support and refunds depends on where you bought from. 

We sell our products on various platforms.

If you’re not sure which platform you bought from, check your email.

You will have been sent an email confirmation of your purchase. 

That email will have come from one of those 4 platforms.

Just search your inbox for them until you find the confirmation. It might have gone to your spam, promotions, or deleted folder.