I Have A Problem With The Shifting Vibrations Audio Package And Audio Tracks

In this article, we’ll hopefully troubleshoot most of the problems you might have with Shifting Vibrations, the audio package.

We put a lot of common FAQs about this in the ‘readme PDF’, did you look at that?

It’s in the Shifting Vibrations download area.

That explains how to get around most problems.

Common Problems:

I Can’t Download The Audio Files

The audio files are currently hosted on a file storage platform called Digital Ocean.

This lets you access the files 24/7, and download them in high-quality file format.

The download links are on the thank you page or confirmation page.

This would have been emailed to the email address that you purchased with.

If you’re having trouble downloading the files, make sure that you’re right-clicking on the file link in the thank you page, and then clicking ‘save as’ or ‘download file’.

shifting vibrations

If you just left-click, it will open the audio file in a new tab and start playing.

Make sure to right-click and download the file. It will then save it to your device, most likely your desktop or download area.

I Can’t Hear The Binaural Beats

For the binaural beats, we deliberately put them a layer below where they would ’typically’ be.

This is because preferences vary massively, but we found that the majority of people preferred them when they were more subtle.

It’s one of those strange things, some people prefer to HEAR and feel the pulsing and the beat, while others find it a little annoying or even can give them a headache, etc.

So we tried to find a middle ground where they’re still there, loud enough to produce an effect in the brain and subconscious, but not so loud that they annoy some people.

They are there, having an effect, but they just might not be as noticeable as you’re used to with other binaural beats.

Shifting Vibrations tracks won’t play because they keep constantly stopping

If the tracks are constantly stopping, that is an internet speed or internet browser issue.

The tracks are hosted in separate places, and there is no issue with downloading or playing them but buffering sometimes happens with slower internet connections.

The solution would be to download the tracks to your device, so you don’t need to buffer or play them online.

See our other instructions in this article for how to download the tracks to your device.

If your internet connection is really slow, the smaller files, like the 11-minute versions of the tracks should download faster, without stopping.

But the best solution is to just download the tracks to your device, and play them from there.