If you’ve purchased a program from us that includes access to a community, please read carefully:
We manually approve members to our communities.
As a result, sometimes it takes us up to 1-3 days to approve you.
To speed this up, make sure that you apply and enter the exact community PASSWORD that was mentioned on the thank you page, otherwise you’ll be declined.
Emailing us within the first 4 days does not speed up us approving you.
Please be patient and wait 3-4 days before emailing about this.
That’s just a ‘worst case scenario’.
Most likely, we’ll approve you within 24-48 hours at the latest.
I know this can be frustrating if you’ve just purchased and you can’t wait to get in, but please be patient.
We do this to make sure that we don’t get any spammers or scammers in the groups, and it makes it a better place for everyone.
What you can do, is prewrite an introduction post that you can post to the group or community when you do get in.
This saves time and makes sure you’re starting to engage right away!
Please be patient and if it’s been over 4 days and you’ve still not been accepted in, email or contact us and we’ll look into it.
Do not email support from Clickbank, Teachable, Buygoods or Digistore about membership or community access.
They will not be able to help you.
The only way to join our community is by applying, entering the password, and waiting for us to approve you.