How Can This Strange 5000 Year Old ‘Egyptian Frequency’ Secret Help You Manifest Money Effortlessly Like The Top 0.1%?

What do today’s elites, billionaires, and the ancient Egyptians know about manifesting UNLIMITED money you DON’T?

They’ve tried to keep this hidden from you for so long.

It’s something to do with a tiny part of your brain lying DORMANT inside you right now.

If you activate it with this ‘secret soundwave’, money will flow to you.

Do you know why so FEW have so MUCH of today’s wealth?

Do you know the REAL reason they built the pyramids?

In the next 2 minutes and 34 seconds, I’m going to show you how you can use this breakthrough to create huge wealth for yourself and your family, very easily.

And it has nothing to do with meditating for hours, wishing or hoping.

This starts to work from the very first time you listen to it for 5 minutes…

But they’re doing EVERYTHING to try and take this down.

I don’t know how much longer this video will be available…

We’re going to activate this abundance frequency within you now, because this can’t be found on YouTube, Spotify or any other site.

Are you ready to manifest money?

Because as research from a best-selling author and scientist has revealed…

We can now replicate this Egyptian Frequency secret, and use it to create enormous wealth.

At first I was skeptical, but I’ve seen incredible results in my own life using this.

I’ve gone from scrubbing toilet floors to manifesting over $1.4M dollars.

I’ve also manifested my dream house, and traveling to exotic locations all around the world.

Imagine waking up KNOWING you don’t have to stress about money at all.

Imagine opening your bank account and seeing thousands of dollars there.

Even millions..

It would mean:

You don’t have to grind away at a job you hate, or worry about how you’re going to pay for things.

Now you can become wealthy using this ancient secret.

And this works for anyone, regardless of your background, where you live or how old you are.

Within a few weeks, you’ll start to become one of those ‘lucky people’ who has money FLOWING to them easily.

People will ask you how you did it.

They knew this 5000 years ago in ancient Egypt.

Since then, elites have used it to stay on top.

It involves a special soundwave and a tiny part of your brain, the ‘pineal gland’.

This is like your ‘abundance switch’.

Harvard and Stanford studied this, yet it remains a secret to most people.

I found a way to activate your pineal gland and turn on your abundance switch.

And it just takes a few minutes.

When you use the Egyptian Frequency secret I’ll share with you in a second, it’s like opening the floodgates to wealth.

And it doesn’t matter how much you’ve struggled before; this works, FAST.

I understand if you’re skeptical; I was too.

But, I promise it works for anyone. It can transform your life, fast.

It’s about to get better…

The Moment I Went From a Dead-End Job to Effortlessly Manifesting Millions

I’m Kai, and I used to scrub dirty toilet floors.

At one point, I even had two jobs to try to pay the rent.

I’d clean toilets during the day.

Then, I’d go to my shelf-filling job at night in a dangerous part of town.

The money I made from these two jobs left me struggling to pay the rent and bills.

It feels so unfair! To work so hard every day and have NOTHING to show for it.

I would cycle to save money, and often had bottles thrown at me by drunks in the street.

The worst day was being stuck inside working, on New Year’s Eve.

I was staring at a heavy pack of tiles I had to lift, while hearing the fireworks outside.

While there are millionaires and billionaires out there, living an amazing life.

I realised that night I never wanted to be poor again.

No matter what it would take, I’d make it.

The next morning as luck would have it, I got fired.

Now I only had the toilet cleaning job and could only afford half the rent.

Something snapped inside me that morning.

I made a decision that I wasn’t going to stop until I figured out how to get wealthy.

I had to move back in with my dad into a tiny spare room, and I spent several months there.

I went through every book, course, video, and teaching on wealth and manifestation you can imagine.

I had dozens of books on the floor. Their pages were dog-eared and highlighted.

It must have looked like I was losing my mind, but I was determined to become wealthy.

After what felt like FOREVER, I finally found something.

I found a life-changing, secret ‘Egyptian Frequency’.

It blew my mind.

It dawned on me why some people are broke, while others have too much money to count.

It’s so simple; can you guess what it is?

In school, they told us the difference between the wealthy and the poor is enormous.

The richest 10% of the world own more than 76% of all wealth.

In the US alone, that wealth gap has more than doubled from 1989 to 2016.

And it’s most likely going to get worse.

They know something you don’t.

But now you can finally use this ancient Egyptian secret too.

It’s helped me get a big beautiful house in one of the safest, nicest villages in England.

It has a stunning garden. It’s a few minutes’ walk from some lovely forests, lakes, and hills.

Financial stress is no longer a problem for me.

Now, I can travel and work from luxurious resorts and exotic places for as long as I want.

I’m blessed with the complete freedom to do anything I want, whenever I want.

I’m going to share how you can do the same, and MORE.

But this Egyptian Frequency secret IS NOT…

  • Affirmations
  • Visualisations or vision boards
  • ‘Fake it till you make it’ (pretending)
  • It’s not meditation
  • Working harder (trust me, not the answer)
  • Working less (also not going to work)

What is this ancient secret? It lets 1-5% of the population enjoy true financial freedom and have everything they desire.

It’s to do with sound and frequency.

They say sound is the most powerful force on the planet.

In a few seconds I’ll reveal the sound wave secret;

The Power Is Already Inside You! Abundance Frequencies Are EVERYWHERE (The Secret)

Frequencies are everywhere, all around us.

Nikola Tesla – one of the most famous inventors and thinkers ever – said:

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

He was on the right track, but he missed a few things.

For most of human history, we’ve been surrounded by nature’s harmonious 432 Hz frequency…

Earth resonates at this frequency…

And for most of human history, it has helped us thrive.

The ancient Egyptians knew this.

It’s how they built a huge, 5000-year civilization.

They had huge amounts of wealth, more than most of today’s billionaires.

They even built mega structures that are still standing today!

Not only did they know about this natural abundance frequency… but they enhanced it.

It’s well known the Ancient Egyptian rulers would use vocal songs and chants to amplify this frequency.

But what isn’t as well known, is the secret inside the Pyramids themselves… the hidden chambers amplified it.

They knew if you chanted a SOUND tuned to the frequency of 432 Hz inside the hidden chambers of the pyramids, it did something magical.

The chamber’s unique shape ENHANCED the frequency, making it stronger!

This meant that, if you were inside or near the chamber, your own frequency would rise rapidly. You’d be able to manifest a lot more easily.

And who were the only people allowed to visit the pyramids?

The Pharaohs of Egypt.

They created levels of wealth that were mind-boggling.

But let’s go back to you.

How The Elites Are Stopping You Manifesting Money Using A ‘Money Block’…

If 432 Hz is the planet’s natural frequency, why are you struggling today?

Why are you struggling to make ends meet, unable to manifest abundance?

Financial stress is here by design.

A small group of wealthy ‘elites’ created a system that blocks your natural abundance.

Think of it like a ‘money blocking’ control system.

This system has been created to make it hard to manifest money.

It makes sure the average person finds it hard to manifest money, and as a result, there’s more money for them to collect.

Why did they do it?

Human nature.

When some people become rich, they start thinking about protecting their wealth and control.

And a very small group of those elites created the control structure we’re talking about now.

They have done it with sound.

At ALL times, there are sound frequencies flying through the air.

Some of them we can hear, some we can’t.

As I said, nature’s ‘golden ratio’ frequency has been 432 Hz for most of history.

As a result, society has been growing fast. Civilizations have been expanding and growing very rapidly for thousands of years.

From the massive empires of Egypt to the 1920s, a decade of rapid growth.

Remember, 432 Hz is the natural ‘harmonic’ golden ratio frequency of Earth.

What you might NOT know, is after 1936, everything changed.

A group of elites had a meeting and agreed to change the default musical pitch from 432 Hz to 440 Hz.

They changed the sound frequencies from the harmonious 432 Hz to the unpleasant 440 Hz.

This affected music, movies, and radio.

Can you hear the difference?

This difference of just 8 Hz changed everything.

Think of 440 Hz as the ‘money blocking’ frequency.

It wreaks havoc on your body, mind and pineal gland.

Their goal was to keep everyone poor. They wanted to get richer by raising their frequencies.

These 440 Hz frequencies STOP manifestation, unless you know how to protect against them.

After thousands of years of society thriving at a 432 Hz frequency, it has now been changed to 440 Hz.

So the problem is:

You are constantly bombarded with these new “money blocking” frequencies like 440 Hz.

It’s in music, movies, radio waves, and even your internet.

This is why you’re stuck.

But there’s a simple fix, which we’ll show you.

The Secret, Hidden Part Of Your Brain That Unlocks Abundance Easily And Quickly

When I first discovered this, I felt shocked.

I was thinking, “If there are money-blocking frequencies, how can I avoid them?”

I wanted to avoid the frequencies that block money.

I also wanted to activate this amazing 432 Hz abundance frequency in my brain.

I discovered the secret lies with your ‘pineal gland’.

Deep within our brains lies a tiny but mighty part called the “pineal gland.” It is often referred to as the “third eye.”

The pineal gland contains tiny calcite crystals, and is known as your connection to the divine.

It also plays a KEY role in manifesting money.

And our ancient ancestors knew this thousands of years ago.

You see ancient diagrams of the pineal gland all over the ancient world, for example, in Egypt (they really knew their stuff).

You might have seen this one before:

The ‘eye of Horus’.

Now look at this:

It’s a cross section of part of the brain, and right in the middle is your pineal gland.

In the past, researchers linked pine cones to the pineal gland and used them as the symbol of the third eye.

The way the pineal gland helps you manifest is simple.

This tiny organ is your body’s connection to the divine, and to the things we can’t see.

It has been known throughout history to be your link to the spiritual world, and to the infinite realm of ‘all possibilities’.

When it’s balanced and on, it boosts your natural vibration.

It also amplifies your 432 Hz abundance frequency.

This makes manifestation 10X easier.

This ‘secret’ has been known for a long time.

So, how can you do it?

The elites are doing everything they can to hide this information from you.

They don’t want you to figure out you’ve ALWAYS had the power to manifest.

To recap:

The Egyptians were using 432 Hz soundwaves to open their pineal gland, which helped them manifest huge abundance.

They even used pyramids to amplify it…

432 Hz was our natural state, up until the Elites changed the musical pitch to 440 hz.

This change made it much harder to manifest.

So what you need to do is find a way to get BACK to 432 Hz,

While at the same time, BLOCKING the 440 Hz frequency that’s all around you.

This would open your pineal gland and let you manifest money.

Using a special type of 432 Hz frequency, I’ve been able to manifest enormous wealth and it’s only just the beginning.

Over $1.4M, a house, the love of my life and much more.

I have to be honest, people have started asking questions.

Wondering if I’m involved in some shady dealings because so much money is coming in.

I can’t stop it, and my accountant doesn’t understand.

Using this natural abundance frequency I can’t stop money flowing to me every day.

And I noticed this start within the first few days of listening.

So how can you activate 432 Hz and manifest money?

How To Activate Your Pineal Gland To Manifest Abundance FAST

To manifest huge amounts of money, you must activate your pineal gland.

If you could do this, you would naturally start attracting MASSIVE abundance into your life.

It would feel EASY to you!

Here are the four ways we know will activate your pineal gland.

1: Use a biofeedback machine.

A biofeedback machine can help activate your abundance frequency. But, in-person sessions start at $300 an hour, and a machine costs about $7,000.

They’re also very bulky, and have to be done in a specific place under someone’s guidance.

You can’t do it on the train or in bed, for example.

2: Learn vocal chanting and tuning

This is part of how the Egyptian elites did it.

Sadly, it takes years of intense practice to get it right.

You also need a specific-shaped chamber to chant in to get the same effect.

3: Advanced breathwork practices

Again, these can be effective. But, they take years of practice to get right. They often require up to an hour each day to affect your brain.

It’s rumoured some billionaires do this.

4: Or, You can listen to a special sound wave, programmed with the golden ratio and 432 Hz.

This is the easiest way by far.

You can get the same pineal gland activation that normally takes years, and I have the PERFECT sound wave for you.

The abundant 432 Hz frequency can now be digitally encoded into SOUND.

And when you do, you have the PERFECT musical frequency for manifestation.

It opens your pineal gland and unlocks your natural manifestation ability.

Using new breakthrough technologies, we’re able to create the same result the Egyptians got using their pyramids and chanting.

We’re able to AMPLIFY the 432 Hz frequency which activates your pineal gland and the abundance switch inside your brain.

This breakthrough creates a balance in your cells.

More importantly:

This 432 Hz Golden Ratio frequency we can now create digitally, PROTECTS you from the harmful 440 Hz we spoke about earlier.

It makes manifestation effortless for you.

Your body only needs about 5-10 minutes every day of listening to the 432 hz frequency to get ‘back in line’ with its natural state, and start manifesting.

Effort is no longer required on your part.

You just become magnetic to money.

Maybe you’ve even known people like this?

People who just seem to MAGICALLY attract the right people, situations, money and success, without really doing anything?

Or without STRUGGLING?

It may seem unfair they don’t have to face the same struggles you do.

Well, now, you can manifest things effortlessly too…

But now you don’t need a pyramid and a team of people chanting in a hidden chamber.

Thousands of years ago, you did.

It’s about to get more exciting now.

Introducing: ‘Shifting Vibrations’

We turned this special frequency into an album of audio tracks called ‘Shifting Vibrations’.

So far, it’s helped over 14,587 people start to live a more abundant life.

Listening to these tracks ‘turns on’ your abundance switch.

It’s simple, easy, and you can do it at home.

It’s like opening the floodgates, and letting money pour into your life.

It happens so easily and effortlessly when you listen to these frequencies.

You’ll never need to worry about money again!

You’ll notice opportunities, abundance and wealth flow into your life in beautiful, unexpected ways.

Random discounts, offers, savings and money will be drawn to you.

Just lay back and play the tracks for 5 minutes a day to manifest money.

As you listen more every day, new synchronicities and opportunities will manifest in your life.

It feels like the Universe is finally ‘on your side’ and guiding you.

Your friends will ask questions. You can say it’s ‘your new superpower’.

After a few days of listening to the tracks, I got a call. It offered me a very random opportunity.

That deal made me about $4976 in just a few days.

This was different….

From then on, my worries about money were gone.

I was finally one of those lucky people who just gets rich effortlessly.

The Results Speak For Themselves!

The shifting vibrations tracks helped me relax and focus on my meditations and dream incubation. I really like the use of binaural beats, it puts the brain in a meditative state while also helping with subconscious programming. I like how the subliminals dont sound creepy like a lot of the stuff online. It is soft, elevating, and barely audible. The tone of the music is very relaxing and peaceful. I will definitely be listening to more of these tracks 🙂


Here’s What’s Inside ‘Shifting Vibrations’

Track 1: Egyptian Golden Ratio For Abundance 432 Hz

(VALUE $47)

This track trains your subconscious to adopt positive beliefs. It helps you easily manifest abundance.

It is programmed with the golden ratio frequency found in nature.

You’ll feel the effects in minutes. Within days, money will manifest in your life.

Track 2: The Abundance Pyramid 432 Hz (Retrain Limiting Beliefs)

(VALUE $47)

The Abundance Pyramid builds layers of positive belief in your mind. This helps you to truly believe you can manifest abundance and wealth very easily.

Track 3: (WITH SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES): ‘Shaman Beats’ Raise Your Vibrations

(VALUE $47)

Shaman Beats takes you on a beautiful journey and a deep meditation.

This is great for lucid dreaming, astral projection or deep intense focus.

Modelled on the deep trance state Shamans and Tribesmen achieved over the centuries, this will leave you feeling inspired, connected and healthy.

Track 4: (WITH SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES): ‘Lucid Oddysee’

(VALUE $47)

This is focused on lucid dreaming and becoming more in touch with your dream life, and enhances the dreams vividness and lucidity.

Track 5: ‘Golden Ratio Experience’

(VALUE $47)

The ‘Golden Ratio’ is a sequence that runs through everything in the Universe, and life itself.

This track is tuned to the golden ratio frequency, and helps you ground yourself, manifest faster, heal, raise your vibrations and grow stronger in all ways.

Track 6: ‘New Horizons’ Astral Experience

(VALUE $47)

New Horizons is a lucid dreaming and astral projection adventure. It’s ‘other worldly.’ It’s for deep meditation, astral projection, and other dimensions.

PDF Instructions

A PDF with your instructions, a track description, troubleshooting, best practices, and tips.

There’s an art to using audio tracks like this. This PDF explains the best times to use them, how to listen, and how to prepare. It covers much more, too

How Can I Get Shifting Vibrations?

First, let me ask you…

How much would you pay for the ability to manifest as much money as you want?

To see more money enter your bank account every day?

And not just a couple dollars here and there… but payments of $500… $1,000… $9,000 or more…

How much would it be worth to you to KNOW you can always manifest and create unlimited money out of thin air?

To NEVER have to worry about money again?

If you’re like most people, you’d happily hand over $10,000 for that ability.

But I’m not doing this to make myself rich…

I’ve already used this ancient frequency to unlock more than enough wealth.

So you won’t have to pay $10,000… or even $5000…

In fact, you won’t even have to pay the price my team suggested, which was $300…

All I ask is you help me out by contributing a small one-time fee to help with the hosting of this website, and the audio team I use to develop these audios.

But it gets even better:

Since these audios are DIGITAL, and not shipped to you in a physical CD, we’re able to cut down on shipping and production costs.

So you actually get another $20 off…


You can get EVERYTHING here for just $27

That’s less than the price of an average utility bill.

Except after investing in Shifting Vibrations, you’ll most likely never need to worry about bills ever again.

All I ask in return is you consider sending us a success story once you experience the transformation that many of our customers are now experiencing.

You get all of the wealth manifestation audio tracks, the free bonuses, everything.

To take this offer, act fast because my team keeps telling me to put the prices up.

So this price is not guaranteed beyond today.

Not to mention the fact the elites are doing everything they can to take this site down.

The only way to get Shifting Vibrations for this incredible price is right here, from this page…

And you should know that I am not going to limit the amount of time you can keep Shifting Vibrations either.

It’ll be yours forever, and you can even pass it on to your children.

The elites do NOT want you to know about this.

Hit the button below to secure your discount on Shifting Vibrations now.

I’d hate for you to come back to this page and see a higher price, or even worse:

To see it no longer available, or the site has been taken down.

– LISTEN ANYTIME: Lay back and listen to manifest faster. Play Shifting Vibrations audios for 5 minutes or more every day to start to manifest abundance EASILY.

– PROVEN AND EFFECTIVE: These tracks have been tested, retested and refined to make sure they’re highly effective and powerful, even from the very first time you listen to them.

– MANIFEST FASTER: Listening to these tracks for 5 minutes per day will help you unlock your inner ability to manifest abundance FAST, in any area of your life.

–BASED ON NATURE: Shifting Vibrations leverages the natural 432 Hz abundance frequency which the ancients used to manifest huge wealth and abundance. Now you can use this enormous power by just listening to this every day.

– BECOME MAGNETIC: You’ll notice things start to be ‘magnetised’ to you. Money will flow, opportunities and gifts from the Universe. Feel a huge difference in yourself when you listen to these tracks for a few minutes a day.

$300 $97

Today Just 27 Dollars!

Click the “Place Order Now” button now.

If Shifting Vibrations is still available, you’ll be taken to our 100% safe and secure checkout page, where you’ll enter your order information and credit card number.

The order form is fully protected using the very latest 256-bit SSL encryption for total privacy and protection.

It’s the same level of security major e-commerce giants like use.

As soon as you hit submit, your Shifting Vibrations audios will be emailed to you immediately.

And remember, this deal is not available on YouTube, Amazon or Spotify.

Don’t be fooled by lookalikes or copycats.

The only place to get the REAL Shifting Vibrations audios programmed with the abundance technology, is right here on this site.

60 Day ‘Manifest Or It’s FREE’ Guarantee

Also I have good news!

You’re backed by our 100% ‘manifestation guarantee’, meaning:

It’s a 100% iron-clad money-back guarantee based on your complete satisfaction with your experience.

Listen to the tracks every day for 60 days, and you’ll notice more abundance manifesting into your life.

1: If you don’t manifest wealth and more abundance within 60 days, or you’re not happy with how much you’ve manifested, you can get all of your money back.

2: When you DO manifest money, if you don’t feel like it’s enough, or you’re not happy with how much it is, you can get your money back!

I believe this to be SO life-changing, you’ll be emailing me asking me why it’s so cheap!

Once you download the Shifting Vibrations audios, I want you to listen to it once a day for five minutes, and I want you to do this for the next 14 days in a row.

If you do this, there’s no doubt in my mind you’ll start seeing more money appear in your life.

I can’t tell you exactly WHEN it will happen…

It may be the first time, or it could take a week or two, but it will happen.

It’s something I call the magic moment.

The magic moment is when you wake up one day and realize that something is different.

It’s the moment when you notice The Universe has shifted in your favor.

Your senses feel more powerful, and you feel a deep sense of peace and abundance in your heart.

It’s an experience you can’t really put a price on.

I can’t wait for you to see what life can be like once you’ve activated this.

The universe is ready and willing to give you EVERYTHING you’ve wanted all along.

It all starts now.

So just click the button below to secure your copy.

Why I’m Doing This

I’ve had many dead-end jobs over the years.

At one point I was a toilet cleaner and a shelf stacker at the same time.

It was hell.

I realised my MISSION here on Earth was not cleaning toilets.

It was helping people manifest abundance so they can be free.

In the last few years especially:

I’ve seen the world struggling with everything going on with various groups of people trying to enact certain agendas…

I’ve seen people struggling financially more than ever before.

And I wanted to help.

A large part of my mission is to EMPOWER you to manifest money, improve yourself, and become better.

Because I’ve seen the power of these audio tracks, I began to look into what OTHER areas of my life could be improved…

I found other powerful frequencies that had beneficial effects.

It turns out there are OTHER frequencies that do other things to our bodies and minds.

I’ve been able to develop several other tracks for you.

As a thank you for reading this presentation, I’d like to give you those extra tracks for free when you grab Shifting Vibrations today.

The first extra track I discovered helped me unlock profound ‘out of body experiences’ like astral projection and lucid dreaming.

This is mind blowing, and feels much like a vivid dream, but you’re much more aware and alert.

You can fly around, float through walls, you name it.

And you wake up with the beautiful memories.

There’s even studies showing things you practice in a lucid dream ACTUALLY improve in waking life.

It’s like your own personal ‘virtual reality’ world where you can do what you want.

The next track is called ‘Stormy Escape’

This is a beautiful binaural beats audio track, focused on keeping your brainwaves in THETA.

It has been shown Theta can help your body heal, become more creative and even unlock ‘Genius’ levels of thinking.

It’s said the answers to creative problems just ‘flow’ to you when you’re in Theta state.

There are also some other tracks you’ll get access to:

Astral Starwaves CD Package Image

Astral Starwaves

(VALUE $47)

A finely tuned track with special ambient noises designed to drift you into an OBE directly. This one can also be easily used to lucid dream or meditate, but I’d suggest just using it for astral projection.

It has powerful THETA binaural beats laced over as well, and soothing volume swells and effects.

Rainy Winter CD Package Image

Rainy Winter

(VALUE $47)

A new soul frequency track that combines ambient meditation music with soft binaural beats.

This helps unlock DEEP and easy meditation states.

Meditation has been scientifically shown to reduce stress and improve mood and mindset massively.

But it’s typically hard to focus. This track makes focusing and meditating easy and fun.

Royal Awakening CD Package Image

Royal Awakening

This track is tuned to a frequency that helps you unlock ‘higher vibrations’.

Remember we talked about frequency and how the Egyptians used certain frequencies to manifest abundance?

This track is tuned to a frequency that helps you upgrade your body and mind, and increase your energy.

You’ll find after listening to this for a few weeks, people are drawn to you.

There’s a certain ‘glow’ or energy to you people can’t quite put their finger on.

There’s also some more amazing mystery gifts you’ll find on the download page.

You won’t want to miss out on those!

I can’t guarantee these bonus tracks will be available after today, so act now if you want these.

Still Making Your Decision?

Since we released Shifting Vibrations, we’ve got all kinds of interest and questions about it.

I’m going to answer the top questions now, while you’re deciding to grab your own copy.

The first question comes from Abby, and she asks:

“What makes Shifting Vibrations better than brainwave entrainment or meditation”

A great question.

Firstly, it’s dangerous for anyone to say something is BETTER than everything else in all cases.

That being said, Brainwave entrainment can be very expensive.

Sessions can easily cost hundreds of dollars per hour, with multiple sessions required.

I personally think it’s much better to buy something once, and use it forever.

Especially if it’s something you want to use every day.

And meditation can work, but it really just makes you receptive to frequencies. You’ll still need to actually listen to the right frequencies to get a result.

Shifting Vibrations has been specially programmed to activate and open your pineal gland.

As well as using digital technology to tune your brain to 432 Hz.

From what we’ve observed, you can’t get these effects just by meditating.

Tim asks, “Is it ‘wrong’ to manifest money, spiritually?”

I don’t think so at all.

Think about it this way: When a kid is born to super-rich parents and gets everything he wants, is he doing anything wrong? Or is he just lucky?

I believe a lot of these things are ‘predestined’.


If you’re born into a rich family, it’s planned before birth.

And equally:

You’ve found this page for a reason.

You’re destined to become wealthy, and use it for good.


Look at the media and the government.

Over the past few years, the rich keep getting richer, and the poor keep getting poorer.

And helping you and your family isn’t on their to-do list.

So I see nothing wrong with you using Shifting Vibrations to buy that dream house with a beautiful yard, or park your dream car in the driveway.

I see nothing wrong with you getting a home cinema or a swimming pool for your family.

And I see nothing wrong with you finally going on that tropical vacation, and enjoying your life.

Or visiting the pyramids of Egypt to feel the magic of this world.

Of course, you can choose how to use the money you’re going to manifest…

But I like to think that you’ll use it for better purposes than the elites.

Maybe helping people, helping your family etc.

Olivia asks, "How exactly do I use Shifting Vibrations?"

Great question! Using Shifting Vibrations is simple, easy, and you can start today, right from home.

Just download the digital audio tracks to your phone or computer.

All the powerful technology is programmed into the track, designed to activate your body’s manifestation mode using 432 hz.

All you need to do is relax and listen.

You can listen while lying in bed or lounging on the couch. And if you’re on the move, you can listen in the car, on a walk, while shopping, cooking, reading, or even relaxing in the backyard.

And what if you miss a day? No problem!

Just aim to listen every day for those 5+ minutes.

The benefits grow each time you listen, helping activate your abundance mode and bringing all the calming, soothing benefits along with it.

Neil asks, “How fast will I see results?

Everyone is different, but many of our customers start noticing a change within the first two weeks, like random new money or opportunities coming their way.

Others find money just seems to magically be drawn to them, and they feel more lucky.

After a few months, you might feel like a whole new person.

The best way to see what benefits are waiting for you?

Just click the button below and try it yourself.

Sylvia asks, "Is Shifting Vibrations available anywhere else for a lower price? Can I find the audio tracks on YouTube or Spotify?"

We only offer Shifting Vibrations directly through THIS website, and there’s a very good reason.

I was approached by a major publisher to sell Shifting Vibrations through them, but they wanted a markup that would double the current price.

I didn’t think that was right.

That markup would only go to cover their overhead and advertising costs, and add to their profits.

And it’s unnecessary since you can already order Shifting Vibrations from the comfort of your home right here.

I was also worried they might alter or dilute the audio technology we developed for Shifting Vibrations.

So, you won’t find this on YouTube or Spotify.

In fact, we’ve studied similar tracks on those platforms, and the results were very disappointing.

Most didn’t even have real neural entrainment technology in the audio; they just made claims to get clicks.

Also, you never really know what technology is programmed into the tracks, or if it’s been done properly.

Also remember:

The price for Shifting Vibrations is going to increase soon, but I’m doing everything I can to keep it affordable for the people who need it most.

Bill asks “Is there a guarantee?”

Yes of course!

You’re backed by our 100% 60 Day ‘manifestation guarantee’, meaning:

Listen to the tracks every day for 60 days, and you’ll notice more abundance manifesting into your life.

If you’re not completely happy with your results, you can pick up the phone and call our friendly support team 24/7.

Or just start a live chat, and they’ll process your refund quickly and easily.

No questions asked.

I wouldn’t feel right about having your money if you weren’t happy.

That’s the last question…

Which leaves you with two choices.

You Have TWO Choices Right Now

1: Ignore everything you read here & go on living paycheck to paycheck.

You’ve been down this road, and you know how it feels.

Being a slave to bad luck, working so hard only to end up burnt out and still struggling.

And never enjoying the wealth and freedom that is your birthright.

Or 2: You Can Grab Your Copy Of Shifting Vibrations Right Now, And Change Your Life For The Better.

You can use the secret the Egyptians used to manifest HUGE wealth, and take advantage of digital modern technologies to improve YOUR life today.

Maybe you see other people going to fancy places, buying nice things, driving nicer cars and you want a bit of that for yourself.

The elites are doing it, now you can too.

The effort required from you to get results here is SO small…

You simply purchase, listen to the tracks for 5 minutes per day, and manifest more.

I can’t think of an easier and more simple way to manifest wealth, and change your life.

The life you’ve been waiting for is SO close to you now.

But you’re at a crossroads right now.

I know you’ll make the right choice, and change your life forever.

And remember, you’re not risking a penny today, because of our ‘manifest or it’s free’ 60 day guarantee!

You can try out the audio tracks for TWO entire months and see the results for yourself.

You’ll see SOMETHING shift within the first week, so 2 months is definitely enough time to see big results, and know it works.

If you’re not happy for whatever reason, you can get your money back.

That’s how much I KNOW you’ll love them and get great results.

I spent so long developing these, I’m 100% confident you’ll love them, and you’ll be emailing me thanking me for how they’ve changed your life.

I think you deserve to live an abundant life.

You deserve to start living life on your terms, doing the things you LOVE.

The elites have been trying so hard to stop you from manifesting money, but not anymore.

You deserve to take a stand and decide what to do with your time.

To spend more time with your family if you want, or to travel more.

You’re only one click away from downloading Shifting Vibrations and activating your abundance switch.

This superpower is laying dormant inside your brain right now.

You just need to activate it using Shifting Vibrations.

I’ve done everything I can to make this affordable and accessible to as many people as possible.

Click to claim your copy of Shifting Vibrations now.

Try it for yourself right now and see!

  • A Small Warning

I have to give you one small warning before you grab Shifting Vibrations.

Once you start using it, things will change.

When you notice money and abundance manifesting in your life, others will too.

People might start asking questions.

Thinking about how to get some of your wealth for themselves.

My advice?

Don’t show off too much of your new abundance and wealth to the world.

At least, not at first…

Just take some time to get used to your new way of life, and your new abundance.

Don’t rush to tell everyone you know, or buy loads of expensive things.

Of course, only you can decide how to spend your new wealth and how to live your life.

That’s just my humble advice.

If you’re still here, deciding what to do, grab Shifting Vibrations now.

It could be the single biggest breakthrough you have in your entire life so far.

Click the button to go to our secure order form page, enter your details, and you’ll be able to download Shifting Vibrations instantly.

You’re protected by our 60 day money back guarantee, so there’s nothing to lose.

You absolutely deserve an amazing life filled with happiness and abundance, so it’s time to take a stand.

The elite’s plan to keep everyone broke is starting to fail.

Thank you for reading.

PS: Don’t put this off until ‘some other day’.

Our attention spans have been damaged by social media.

If you tell yourself you’ll come back here later and grab Shifting Vibrations, you most likely won’t…

And the chances are this site will either have been taken down, or the price will have gone up.

You’ve read this far, and it’s clear you want to transform your life.

You want and deserve to manifest abundance.

Can you really afford to delay your dream life any longer?

People who are destined for wealth and abundance take action.

They listen to the Universe when it nudges them towards something.

And they take a leap of faith without hesitation.

Hit the button now to secure your copy of Shifting Vibrations.

Real People, Real Results!

Charity Rabbiosi


Awesome Kai. You really are authentic and way ahead of the material world. And there’s not a day that goes by where I don’t listen to at least one of the shifting vibrations songs while meditating. There’s a magic to them! Better than most of the music on YouTube.

Bernard Brosnan


Hi Kai,

I appreciate your help,on a Saturday night!!

Love the recordings, I really feel they are making a positive difference to my life. So far, so excellent!!

Shifting Vibrations Customer


Love the golden ratio soundtrack. It’s super high vibrational. My body instantly relaxes when I listen to it and it feels open and expansive.

Shifting Vibrations Customer


Oddly, the first thing I notice was how my yoga practice has improved. In general I feel more grounded, safer and less stressed after I listen to the recordings.

I feel my vibrations/energy have improved and my meditation.

Shifting Vibrations Customer


The tracks are amazing, I’m still discovering it, beautiful for meditation and astral journeying.. Shifting vibration I am using it and it is amazing.

Shifting Vibrations Customer


I am using the Egyptian abundance frequency every morning and in the evening dream incubation waves and my husband got an unexpected 2000 euros from his employer. That’s great. And I had a lucid dream one time. But it did not continue, so I am waiting for more. I speak out my intention in the evening for what I want to dream, but it doesn’t happen yet. However, I have interesting dreams. Well, I have always interesting dream I must say.

Elements of You


Hi, I have been using your product shifting vibrations for about a month now and I can’t sing its praises enough I want to say a huge thank you for making and releasing this meditation and for pricing it so reasonably and that it’s truly amazing and has helped me to totally change my ADHD mindset and how I think completely.

The Egyptian Golden Ratio meditation is out of this world and I love it so much as I’m nearly 50 and have spent my life struggling due to how my brain works but since listening to your meditation I feel like everything has changed it’s so powerful I could go on and on all day about it and actually have done with some of my friends and I have been recommending it to everyone and anyone who will listen to me. I have also tried many other meditations including mind valley ones and none of them compare to your Egyptian Golden Ratio one.

Shifting Vibrations Customer


The shifting vibrations audio has helped me massively. I listen to it every day in the morning usually. I pretty much only listen to the Egyptian wealth track. That is the one that resonates most with me. It is definitely helping me on my spiritual journey. First time I listened to it after a few minutes, I started to cry. I feel like I have finally started to let go of a lot of unhealed trauma from my past. My vibrations is high. I am feeling happy, extremely positive and welcoming of the future.

Shifting Vibrations Customer


I’ve been listening to the Egyptian Golden Ratio everyday and I am feeling lighter. It has helped in terms of shifting my vibrational energy for my doubt to confidence.

Shifting Vibrations Customer


Manifestation track as an extra. I went to my local town and decided to chance collecting 50p collectable pieces. I collected 3x 50p coins worth 300 collectors. My recognition as a horse breeder (Hobby) has also gone up so an exciting shift. I feel the sun more powerfully than ever now and contrast link that has been enhanced. Shaman beats caused an interesting sensation where the pineal gland would be. It felt like it was unblocking and running down the right side of my nose. I’m loving the energy it brings.